por RCC | May 16, 2022 | Noticias
As summer approaches, the time to be active is upon us. The last few years, getting out and being active has been extremely difficult due to COVID 19 and the closure of places like sports facilities and gyms. A survey of 14 countries affected by COVID-19 showed that...
por RCC | May 12, 2022 | Noticias
“I would never wear that outfit, but you look so good!” “Oh you’re going to McDonald’s? I stopped eating fast food. You know your metabolism will slow down eventually, right?” “You know boys won’t like you if you act to desperate. You should play hard to get.” “Stop...
por RCC | May 5, 2022 | Noticias
The cost of menstrual products (estimated $250-300/year for the average woman) is probably not on your mind today, but it is on the heart of the staff at Candor Health Education in Hinsdale. Recent research found that almost two-thirds of low income women in the U.S....
por RCC | Abr 13, 2022 | Noticias
I was a weird kid. Not like, put spaghetti on my head during dinner just to get a laugh weird; more like asking my mom random questions that she didn’t see coming weird. Take for example, the time I asked her what semen was. My poor parents. Cornered by a child...
por RCC | Abr 11, 2022 | Noticias
Understanding of adolescent decision making has moved beyond simple “age differences in risk perception and reasoning” to include relevant social and emotional factors that directly inform when and how adolescents make decisions about everything from substance use to...