Considering Gender Combined Sex Education

Considering Gender Combined Sex Education

For many students, their first experience with school-based sex education happens in fourth or fifth grade with a lesson(s) about puberty. While not widespread, some schools include age - appropriate sex education beginning in kindergarten. My first career was in...

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Reframing Failure

Reframing Failure

With students well into a new school year and exploring the excitement of new learning opportunities, friendships, and extra curriculars it is inevitable that at some point, they will hit a bump in the road and experience a setback or failure.    As human beings,...

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Q&A Adds to the Online Interactive Program Experience

Q&A Adds to the Online Interactive Program Experience

Taking an on-line interactive program?  Don’t forget to schedule your virtual Q&A! All online interactive programs include a 30-minute live question and answer session with a Candor Health Educator via Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams, though only a small...

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Lesser-Known Facts about Sex Education

Lesser-Known Facts about Sex Education

Learning about our bodies and how they work is important. Learning how to take care of our bodies is no less important. Whether it is staying active, watching what we eat, cleaning our teeth, finding a way to destress, or any other important health routine, we learn...

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What Are We Teaching Young People About Alcohol?

What Are We Teaching Young People About Alcohol?

Young people are inundated with messages about alcohol.  Research says that annually young people are exposed to over 1,000 advertisements for alcohol, not including references to alcohol in the songs they are listening to, or alcohol-related content in the shows they...

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Helping Your Kids Manage Stress

Helping Your Kids Manage Stress

Stress is the body’s response to the challenges around us.  While some stress can be beneficial, long-term stress can cause many problems and have significant short- and long-term consequences on physical and emotional health. For adolescents, the physical response to...

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Healthy Does Not Hurt: Teen Dating Violence and Prevention

Healthy Does Not Hurt: Teen Dating Violence and Prevention

Teen dating violence (TDV) is defined as “a pattern of abuse or threat of abuse against teenage partners.” Teen dating violence occurs with sobering prevalence, effecting 1.5 million high school students each year. Female and LGBTQ+ students are more likely to...

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Reflecting on the Past Year

Reflecting on the Past Year

We’re a few weeks out from the new year, and with a new year typically comes a chance to reflect – as individuals and as an organization. While every year comes with its challenges, 2022 has also left Candor Health Education with a lot to be proud of (as you’ll read...

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