General Drug Información
Los hechos:
Substance Use & the
Teen Brain:
Teen brain development & substance use, teen use trends and prevention tips.
of all overdose-related deaths
occurred in individuals aged less
than 24 years in the US*
In 2022 fentanyl was the underlying
cause of nearly 70% of drug
overdose deaths*
death for people age 15-24
can be attributed to
drug overdose**
*According to the Centers for Disease Control
**According to SAMHSA
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Vídeos que pueden ayudar:
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Recursos de comunicación:
Talking with Youth About Substance Use
This resource from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) is an easy to use guide to help talk to young people about substance use including tips and suggestions.
Kids Drug Free
The best way to help keep your family drug-free is to understand the factors contributing to substance abuse and to make it a topic of regular family discussion.
Family Checkup
Developing good communication skills helps
parents catch problems early, support positive
behavior, and stay aware of what is
happening in their children’s lives.