LMS Support

This page was created to help you with your questions about our Learning Management System (LMS). Below, we have tutorial videos and our communication timeline for our LMS. If you do not find the answer to your question below, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

LMS Tutorial Video

Communication Timeline


Learning Management System Questions:
I forgot my password for the LMS:

For teachers: Click “Forgot Password” on main screen

Next, Click Administration → Users → Type in login ID or first and last name → click on person → double check “Contact” has correct email → Security → Generate Reset key

If you have additional issues with your password reset or the instructions above do not work, please email our LMS Coordinator at [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.

Why can’t I type into the spreadsheet?

Why can’t I type into the spreadsheet?

Please see the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.  The tabs are labeled “Instructions”, “User List” and “Print Slips”. Teachers can only type in User List, which then carries over to the Print Slips tab.  Those print slips can be printed and distributed to students.

Can I do the pre and post work steps in any order?

Please have students complete the materials in the order that they appear: pretest, e-learning, [educator visit], followed by post-activities and then the posttest. We now have collections where it is separated as “Do Before” and “Do After” in the LMS. This is the recommended way. If you click on the Development Plan, the recommended order is pre-test, eLearning (then educator visit) and then post-activities and post-test.

How long is the e-learning portion?

It is about 30 minutes depending on the student’s ability to move through the module.

How long do we have this program?

The in-person educator lead session is 90 minutes long. You have access to the LMS components (pre- and post-  work),  for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the presentation.

Can I get the program early?

You will receive information approximately 2 weeks before the scheduled date. There may be some exceptions based on the request. We do send out information early in accordance with major breaks (winter and spring break).

Nothing is loading on the prework. Why is that?

Our prework/ LMS items run best on the Chrome browser. Some browsers will not open it or play it correctly like Firefox or Apple. If it still isn’t working on Chrome, gather a username/login ID that isn’t working, and we will troubleshoot. Please email our LMS Coordinator, at [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.

Can we get more logins?

Yes, we can allow an additional 5-10 but anything over will need approval. Please email our LMS Coordinator at [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.

Can you add a teacher not on the reservation?

Yes, we would need their email address and how many students they have.  Please email our LMS Coordinator at [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.

Can a recorded presentation be sent to teachers for a student who was absent?

Unfortunately, we do not have recorded presentations if someone was absent. We highly recommend reviewing the electronic booklets that are included with the programs and linked in the parent letters.  For Substance Abuse Prevention (SAP) programs, we highly recommend the Drug Education portal on our website.

What is the length of the presentations?

Puberty 1 separated by gender, Puberty II, TSH 1 and II, NMSY, and all SAP programs are 90 minutes. Puberty 1 Gender-combined is 2 hours long. Adapted Puberty and Adapted TSH are both 1 hour.

What technology does the presenter need?

Our Educators have Dell computers and need some way to project whether it is HDMI, VGA or wireless connect that is not Apple air play. We would love the capability of sound but not all programs require it.

What time will the educator arrive?

Typically, our Educators arrive 15 to 30 minutes before the start time. Most educators will arrive 30 minutes early to check in.

Live Virtual programs—do students need to be in one room with one screen or can all teachers join from their rooms?

Live Virtual Educators prefer students to be on their own devices so students can participate and ask questions anonymously.

Online Interactive programs—can students be in one room with one screen, or do you prefer they all use their iPad/Chromebook individually?

Online Interactive programs are designed for students to complete the components individually.  Students are asked to respond and answer questions throughout the modules. If teachers would prefer to complete the modules together, they can, but the teacher would have to determine collective responses.

Should parent letters be sent home before or after the presentation?

Either is acceptable. We recommend before so parents know what is going to be talked about. Some teachers send it with their opt in/out form.  

Can you give me an idea of what will take place on the day of the presentation?

On the day of the presentation (if in person) you can expect your Educator to get there 15 to 30 minutes before the program to prepare for the presentation and then the Educator will present and answer student questions.

Can you provide a copy of the pre-test for teachers and parents to review?

Teachers have access to this via the Development Plan in the LMS. For parents, permission must be given by our Director of Education to send it to the parents. Please email [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.

Reservation Questions:
Can you change the date or time of my program?
If you need to change the date or time of a scheduled program, please email our reservation team at [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.
Can you confirm presentation dates and times?
To confirm your presentation date and time, please email our reservation team by emailing [email protected].
We are scheduled for an In-Person presentation but would like to change to a Live Virtual program. Is that possible?
Yes, it is. Please email [email protected].
Can I schedule for next year?
Yes, you can schedule for the next year. Please email [email protected]. Please include your school, with programs and preferred dates.
Can you update the invoice we received?
Yes, your invoice can be updated. Please email [email protected].
We need to switch our Live Virtual platform from Zoom to Google Meets. Is this possible?
Yes, we can switch platforms. Please let us know in advance of the scheduled date and time. Please email our LMS Coordinator at [email protected] and you will receive a response to your email.