National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) & Program Alignment

3rd-5th Grade Band

Consent & Healthy Relationships

CHR.5.CC.1 Describe the characteristics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships among friends and with family members Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn tools for healthy communication and explore scenarios with siblings, friends and trusted adults
CHR.5.CC.2 Explain the relationship between consent, personal boundaries, and bodily autonomy Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Consent is taught in all programs
CHR.5.AI.1 Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, that students can talk to about relationships Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn about and identify specific trusted adults that they can go to with questions
CHR.5.IC.1 Communicate personal boundaries and demonstrate ways to respect other people’s personal boundaries Fully Puberty II Boundaries are defined and further explored through scenarios involving siblings


Anatomy & Physiology

AP.5.CC.1 Recall the human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are natural variations in human bodies Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn the functions of the reproductive anatomy and understand that everyone’s journey through puberty is different


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development

PD.5.CC.1 Explain the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the onset and progression of puberty can vary Fully Puberty I, Puberty II Students learn the physical, social and emotional changes that happen during puberty and that these changes occur at different times and rates for everyone
PD.5.CC.2 Describe how puberty prepares human bodies for the potential to reproduce and that some healthy people have conditions that impact the ability to reproduce Fully Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn the purpose of the reproductive system and that there may be some conditions that impact the ability to reproduce
PD.5.CC.3 Explain common human sexual development and the role of hormones (e.g., romantic and sexual feelings, masturbation, mood swings, timing of pubertal onset) Partially Puberty I, Puberty II Students learn the reproductive hormones and that they cause the onset of puberty and can increase mood swings. Masturbation and sexual feeling are not addressed
PD.5.CC.4 Describe the role hormones play in the physical, social, cognitive, and emotional changes during adolescence and the potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender Partially Puberty I, Puberty II Students will learn the role that hormones play during adolescence. Hormone blockers are not addressed
PD.5.AI.1 Identify credible sources of information about puberty and personal hygiene Fully Puberty I, Puberty II Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as
PD.5.AI.2 Identify trusted adults, including parents, caregivers, and health care professionals, whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, HRE Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as
PD.5.GS.1 Make a plan for maintaining personal hygiene during puberty Fully Puberty I Students learn ways to manage the physical changes that will happen during puberty

Gender Identity & Expression

GI.5.CC.1 Distinguish between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band. Currently part of our 7th-8th grade programs
GI.5.CC.2 Define and explain differences between cisgender, transgender, gender nonbinary, gender expansive, and gender identity Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band.
GI.5.CC.3 Explain that gender expression and gender identity exist along a spectrum Partially Puberty II Gender expression is explained as existing along a spectrum. Gender identity is currently found in 7th-8th grade programs
GI.5.CC.4 Describe gender-role stereotypes and their potential impact on self and others Fully Puberty II Students learn how gender roles have evolved over time and explore the topic through additional scenarios
GI.5.AI.1 Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, whom students can ask questions about sexual orientation Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band
GI.5.ADV.1 Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for people of all sexual orientations, including other students, their family members, and members of the school community Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band


Sexual Orientation

SO.5.CC.1 Define sexual orientation Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band
SO.5.CC.2 Differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band
SO.5.CC.1 Explain the relationship between sexual intercourse and human reproduction Fully Human Reproduction & Embryology  
SO.5.CC.2 Explain the range of ways pregnancy can occur (e.g., IVF, surrogacy) Fully Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn that a sperm and egg are needed for reproduction and reproduction can occur in several ways


Sexual Health

SH.5.CC.3 Define STDs, including HIV, and clarify common myths about transmission Not Addressed   Not currently addressed in this age band


Interpersonal Violence
IV.5.CC.1 Define child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and domestic violence and explain why they are harmful and their potential impacts* Not Addressed
IV.5.IC.1 Identify strategies a person could use to call attention to or leave an uncomfortable or dangerous situation, including sexual harassment Partially Puberty I Sexual Harrassment is defined and students learn the benefit of following their gut feeling and going to their trusted adult
IV.5.IC.2 Explain that some survivors are not believed when they disclose sexual abuse or harassment and that it is important to keep telling trusted adults until one of the adults takes action Not Addressed
IV.5.SM.1 Describe steps a person can take when they are being or have been sexually abused Not Addressed
IV.5.ADV.1 Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for all people (e.g., race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, differing abilities, immigration status, family configuration) Not Addressed


6th-8th Grade Band

Consent & Healthy Relationships
CHR.8.CC.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Through scenarios students will explore healthy and unhealthy relationships
CHR.8.CC.2 Describe how power differences, such as age, gender, socio-economic status, immigration status, race, or unequal position (e.g. student/teacher, supervisor/employee) may impact relationships Partially Teen Sexual Health II Students learn how an unequal balance of power can impact relationships
CHR.8.CC.3 Analyze the similarities and differences between friendships, romantic relationships and sexual relationships Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II It is more implied through the program storylines, rather than explicitly taught and analyzed
CHR.8.CC.4 Define sexual consent and sexual agency Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Consent is defined and explored in all programs
CHR.8.INF.1 Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about relationships Fully Teen Sexual Health I Students explore the various influences that impact their sexuality
CHR.8.INF.2 Evaluate the impact of technology (e.g., use of smart phones, GPS tracking) and social media on relationships (e.g., consent, communication) Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about on-line safety, setting boundaries on-line, strategies for healthy communication and consent
CHR.8.INF.3 Identify factors (e.g., body image, self-esteem, alcohol and other substances) that can affect the ability to give or perceive consent to sexual activity* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II
CHR.8.IC.1 Demonstrate communication skills that will support healthy relationships Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students define passive, aggressive and assertive communication. Students identify possible conversation starters
CHR.8.IC.2 Demonstrate strategies to communicate personal boundaries and how to show respect for the boundaries of others Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students define boundaries and strategies for maintaining them
CHR.8.SM.1 Describe strategies a student might use to end an unhealthy relationship, including involving a trusted adult who can help* Fully Teen Sexual Health II Through scenarios, students will look at characteristics of an unhealthy relationship and identity strategies for ending it
CHR.8.SM.2 Demonstrate strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully Fully Puberty II, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Social media scenarios are used throughout these programs


Anatomy & Physiology
AP.8.CC.1 Describe human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are naturally occurring variations in human bodies (e.g., intersex, vulvas, circumcised and intact penises) Fully Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II All programs contain this content


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
PD.8.AI.1 Define medical accuracy and analyze medically accurate sources of information about puberty, adolescent development, and sexual health Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students receive access to an on-line booklet of information and identify sources of medically accurate information


Gender Identity & Expression
GI.8.INF.1 Analyze how peers, family, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about gender, gender identity, gender roles, and gender expression Not Addressed We do not specifically address and analyze how all of these varying influences impact gender identity and expression
GI.8.AI.1 Access medically accurate sources of information about gender, gender identity, and gender expression Not Addressed Not presented in reference to gender
GI.8.IC.1 Demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully with and about people of all gender identities Not Addressed Not presented in reference to gender
GI.8.ADV.1 Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender identities, and gender expressions in the school community Not Addressed


Sexual Orientation
SO.8.CC.1 Recall the definition of sexual orientation and explain that most people have a sexual orientation Fully Teen Sexual Health I Sexual Orientation is defined using Genderbread
SO.8.CC.2 Define sexual identity and explain a range of identities related to sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer, two-spirit, asexual, pansexual) Partially Teen Sexual Health I Students are made aware that there are a range of identities related to sexual orientation. Heterosexual, gay/lesbian and asexual are addressed specifically
SO.8.INF.1 Analyze how peers, media, family, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about sexual orientation Not Addressed Not presented in reference to sexual orientation
SO.8.AI.1 Access credible sources of information about sexual orientation Not Addressed Not presented in reference to sexual orientation
SO.8.IC.1 Demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully with and about people of all sexual orientations Partially Teen Sexual Health I Students explore the use of a gay slur is used and demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully
SO.8.ADV.1 Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for people of all sexual orientations in the school community Not Addressed


Sexual Health
SH.8.CC.1 Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Scientific definitions are provided to students
SH.8.CC.2 Explain there are many methods of short- and long-term contraception that are safe and effective and describe how to access them Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Forms of contraception are explained
SH.8.CC.3 List at least four methods of contraception that are available without a prescription (e.g., abstinence, condoms, emergency contraception, withdrawal) Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Abstinence, withdrawl, condoms and dental dams are presented
SH.8.CC.4 Describe pregnancy testing, the signs of pregnancy, and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion, and adoption Partially Human Reproduction & Embryology Signs of pregnancy, parenting and adoption are addressed
SH.8.CC.5 Explain STDs (including HIV), how common STDs are, and how they are and are not transmitted Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II
SH.8.CC.6 Describe the signs, symptoms, or lack thereof, and potential impacts of STDs (including HIV) Fully Teen Sexual Health I
SH.8.CC.7 Compare and contrast behaviors, including abstinence, to determine the potential risk of pregnancy and/or STD (including HIV) transmission Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Abstinence is presented as the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Forms of contraception are presented as ways to reduce the risk
SH.8.CC.8 Discuss current biomedical approaches to prevent STDs (e.g., hepatitis B vaccine, HPV vaccine) and HIV (e.g., PrEP, PEP) Partially Teen Sexual Health I The HPV vaccine is addressed
SH.8.CC.9 Explain medical breakthroughs in HIV prevention and treatment and why HIV can now be considered a chronic condition Fully Teen Sexual Health I Students learns that HIV can now be managed effectively through medications
SH.8.CC.10 Describe the state and federal laws related to minors’ access to sexual healthcare services, including pregnancy and STD/HIV prevention, testing, care, and treatment Partially Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about access to health care and pregnancy and STI testing
SH.8.CC.11 Define racism and intersectionality and describe their impacts on sexual health Not Addressed
SH.8.CC.12 Explain the impact that media, including sexually explicit media, can have on one’s body image and self-esteem Fully Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about the potential influence of media, including sexually explicit media
SH.8.INF.1 Analyze how alcohol and other substances can influence sexual decision-making Fully Teen Sexual Health II Through a scenario, students analyze how alcohol and marijuana can influence sexual decision-making
SH.8.INF.2 Describe the state and federal laws related to age of consent, minors’ ability to consent to health care, confidentiality in a healthcare setting, child pornography, sexting, safe haven, and sex trafficking Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Minors ability to consent to health care, confidentiality in a health care, safe haven (optional post program activity)
SH.8.AI.1 Identify medically accurate sources of information about STDs, including HIV, such as local STD/HIV prevention, testing, and treatment resources Partially Teen Sexual Health II Students will learn what STD testing entails
SH.8.AI.2 Define prenatal care and identify medically accurate sources of information about prenatal care Not Addressed
SH.8.IC.1 Demonstrate ways to communicate decisions about whether or when to engage in sexual behaviors and how to reduce or eliminate risk for pregnancy and/or STDs (including HIV)* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students learn that abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and learn contraceptive measures for reducing the risk. In TSH II students learn questions that they need to ask themselves and partner before accepting the responsibility of becoming sexually active
SH.8.DM.1 Identify factors that are important in deciding whether and when to engage in sexual behaviors Fully Teen Sexual Health II In TSH II students learn questions that they need to ask themselves and partner before accepting the responsibility of becoming sexually active
SH.8.GS.1 Develop a plan to eliminate or reduce risk of unintended pregnancy and STDs (including HIV) Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students develop an understanding, if not a specific plan
SH.8.SM.1 Describe the steps to using barrier methods correctly (e.g., external and internal condoms, dental dams) Partially Teen Sexual Health II Optional activity available with TSH II


Interpersonal Violence
IV.8.CC.1 Define interpersonal and sexual violence (e.g., sexual harassment, sexual assault, incest, rape, domestic violence, coercion, and dating violence) and describe their impacts on sexual health* Not Addressed
IV.8.CC.2 Explain why a person who has been sexually harassed, abused, or assaulted, or has been a victim of incest, rape, domestic violence, or dating violence is never to blame for the actions of the perpetrator* Not Addressed
IV.8.CC.3 Define sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender-based violence* Not Addressed
IV.8.INF.1 Describe strategies that sex traffickers/exploiters employ to recruit youth Not Addressed
IV.8.AI.1 Identify community resources and/or other sources of support, such as trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, that students can go to if they are or someone they know is being sexually harassed, abused, assaulted, exploited, or trafficked Not Addressed
IV.8.SM.1 Describe strategies a person could use, when it is safe to do so, to intervene when someone is being sexually harassed or someone they know is perpetuating unhealthy or coercive behaviors Not Addressed
IV.8.ADV.1 Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for everyone (e.g., race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, differing abilities, immigration status, family configuration) Not Addressed


Puberty I

Consent & Healthy Relationships
CHR.5.CC.1 Describe the characteristics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships among friends and with family members Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn tools for healthy communication and explore scenarios with siblings, friends and trusted adults
CHR.5.CC.2 Explain the relationship between consent, personal boundaries, and bodily autonomy Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Consent is taught in all programs
CHR.5.AI.1 Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, that students can talk to about relationships Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn about and identify specific trusted adults that they can go to with questions


Anatomy & Physiology
AP.5.CC.1 Recall the human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are natural variations in human bodies Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn the functions of the reproductive anatomy and understand that everyone’s journey through puberty is different


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
PD.5.CC.1 Explain the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the onset and progression of puberty can vary Fully Puberty I, Puberty II Students learn the physical, social and emotional changes that happen during puberty and that these changes occur at different times and rates for everyone
PD.5.CC.3 Explain common human sexual development and the role of hormones (e.g., romantic and sexual feelings, masturbation, mood swings, timing of pubertal onset) Partially Puberty I, Puberty II Students learn the reproductive hormones and that they cause the onset of puberty and can increase mood swings. Masturbation and sexual feeling are not addressed
PD.5.CC.4 Describe the role hormones play in the physical, social, cognitive, and emotional changes during adolescence and the potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender Partially Puberty I, Puberty II Students will learn the role that hormones play during adolescence. Hormone blockers are not addressed
PD.5.AI.1 Identify credible sources of information about puberty and personal hygiene Fully Puberty I, Puberty II Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as
PD.5.AI.2 Identify trusted adults, including parents, caregivers, and health care professionals, whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, HRE Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as
PD.5.GS.1 Make a plan for maintaining personal hygiene during puberty Fully Puberty I Students learn ways to manage the physical changes that will happen during puberty


Interpersonal Violence
IV.5.IC.1 Identify strategies a person could use to call attention to or leave an uncomfortable or dangerous situation, including sexual harassment Partially Puberty I Sexual Harrassment is defined and students learn the benefit of following their gut feeling and going to their trusted adult


Puberty II

Consent & Healthy Relationships
CHR.5.CC.1 Describe the characteristics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships among friends and with family members Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn tools for healthy communication and explore scenarios with siblings, friends and trusted adults
CHR.5.CC.2 Explain the relationship between consent, personal boundaries, and bodily autonomy Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Consent is taught in all programs
CHR.5.AI.1 Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, that students can talk to about relationships Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn about and identify specific trusted adults that they can go to with questions
CHR.5.IC.1 Communicate personal boundaries and demonstrate ways to respect other people’s personal boundaries Fully Puberty II Boundaries are defined and further explored through scenarios involving siblings
CHR.8.SM.2 Demonstrate strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully Fully Puberty II, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Social media scenarios are used throughout these programs


Anatomy & Physiology
AP.5.CC.1 Recall the human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are natural variations in human bodies Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn the functions of the reproductive anatomy and understand that everyone’s journey through puberty is different
AP.8.CC.1 Describe human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are naturally occurring variations in human bodies (e.g., intersex, vulvas, circumcised and intact penises) Fully Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II All programs contain this content


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
PD.5.CC.1 Explain the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the onset and progression of puberty can vary Fully Puberty I, Puberty II Students learn the physical, social and emotional changes that happen during puberty and that these changes occur at different times and rates for everyone
PD.5.CC.3 Explain common human sexual development and the role of hormones (e.g., romantic and sexual feelings, masturbation, mood swings, timing of pubertal onset) Partially Puberty I, Puberty II Students learn the reproductive hormones and that they cause the onset of puberty and can increase mood swings. Masturbation and sexual feeling are not addressed
PD.5.CC.4 Describe the role hormones play in the physical, social, cognitive, and emotional changes during adolescence and the potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender Partially Puberty I, Puberty II Students will learn the role that hormones play during adolescence. Hormone blockers are not addressed
PD.5.AI.1 Identify credible sources of information about puberty and personal hygiene Fully Puberty I, Puberty II Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as
PD.5.AI.2 Identify trusted adults, including parents, caregivers, and health care professionals, whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, HRE Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as


Gender Identity & Expression
GI.5.CC.3 Explain that gender expression and gender identity exist along a spectrum Partially Puberty II Gender expression is explained as existing along a spectrum. Gender identity is currently found in 7th-8th grade programs
GI.5.CC.4 Describe gender-role stereotypes and their potential impact on self and others Fully Puberty II Students learn how gender roles have evolved over time and explore the topic through additional scenarios


Human Reproduction & Embryology

Consent & Healthy Relationships
CHR.5.CC.1 Describe the characteristics of healthy versus unhealthy relationships among friends and with family members Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn tools for healthy communication and explore scenarios with siblings, friends and trusted adults
CHR.5.CC.2 Explain the relationship between consent, personal boundaries, and bodily autonomy Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Consent is taught in all programs
CHR.5.AI.1 Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, that students can talk to about relationships Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn about and identify specific trusted adults that they can go to with questions


Anatomy & Physiology
AP.5.CC.1 Recall the human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are natural variations in human bodies Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn the functions of the reproductive anatomy and understand that everyone’s journey through puberty is different
AP.8.CC.1 Describe human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are naturally occurring variations in human bodies (e.g., intersex, vulvas, circumcised and intact penises) Fully Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II All programs contain this content


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
PD.5.CC.2 Describe how puberty prepares human bodies for the potential to reproduce and that some healthy people have conditions that impact the ability to reproduce Fully Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn the purpose of the reproductive system and that there may be some conditions that impact the ability to reproduce
PD.5.AI.2 Identify trusted adults, including parents, caregivers, and health care professionals, whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health Fully Puberty I, Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology Students receive access to an on-line informational booklet, have identified trusted adults and been introduced to credible websites such as


Sexual Orientation
SO.5.CC.1 Explain the relationship between sexual intercourse and human reproduction Fully Human Reproduction & Embryology
SO.5.CC.2 Explain the range of ways pregnancy can occur (e.g., IVF, surrogacy) Fully Human Reproduction & Embryology Students learn that a sperm and egg are needed for reproduction and reproduction can occur in several ways


Teen Sexual Health I

Consent & Healthy Relationships
CHR.8.CC.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Through scenarios students will explore healthy and unhealthy relationships
CHR.8.CC.3 Analyze the similarities and differences between friendships, romantic relationships and sexual relationships Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II It is more implied through the program storylines, rather than explicitly taught and analyzed
CHR.8.CC.4 Define sexual consent and sexual agency Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Consent is defined and explored in all programs
CHR.8.INF.1 Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about relationships Fully Teen Sexual Health I Students explore the various influences that impact their sexuality
CHR.8.INF.2 Evaluate the impact of technology (e.g., use of smart phones, GPS tracking) and social media on relationships (e.g., consent, communication) Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about on-line safety, setting boundaries on-line, strategies for healthy communication and consent
CHR.8.INF.3 Identify factors (e.g., body image, self-esteem, alcohol and other substances) that can affect the ability to give or perceive consent to sexual activity* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II
CHR.8.IC.1 Demonstrate communication skills that will support healthy relationships Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students define passive, aggressive and assertive communication. Students identify possible conversation starters
CHR.8.IC.2 Demonstrate strategies to communicate personal boundaries and how to show respect for the boundaries of others Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students define boundaries and strategies for maintaining them
CHR.8.SM.2 Demonstrate strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully Fully Puberty II, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Social media scenarios are used throughout these programs


Anatomy & Physiology
AP.8.CC.1 Describe human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are naturally occurring variations in human bodies (e.g., intersex, vulvas, circumcised and intact penises) Fully Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II All programs contain this content


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
PD.8.AI.1 Define medical accuracy and analyze medically accurate sources of information about puberty, adolescent development, and sexual health Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students receive access to an on-line booklet of information and identify sources of medically accurate information


Gender Identity & Expression
GI.5.CC.1* Distinguish between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ Fully Teen Sexual Health I Sex assigned at birth and gender identity are defined, and it is explained that they are not always in alignment
GI.5.AI.1* Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, whom students can ask questions about sexual orientation Fully Teen Sexual Health I Trusted adults are identified and examples of how to ask questions are explored
GI.5.ADV.1* Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for people of all sexual orientations, including other students, their family members, and members of the school community Fully Teen Sexual Health I Students explore their “WISER” powers, which include respect and explore ways to show respect to all people

*Content is included in this program but is part of the 3rd-5th Grade Band.

Sexual Orientation
SO.8.CC.1 Recall the definition of sexual orientation and explain that most people have a sexual orientation Fully Teen Sexual Health I Sexual Orientation is defined using Genderbread
SO.8.CC.1 Recall the definition of sexual orientation and explain that most people have a sexual orientation Fully Teen Sexual Health I Sexual Orientation is defined using Genderbread
SO.8.CC.2 Define sexual identity and explain a range of identities related to sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, queer, two-spirit, asexual, pansexual) Partially Teen Sexual Health I Students are made aware that there are a range of identities related to sexual orientation. Heterosexual, gay/lesbian and asexual are addressed specifically
SO.8.IC.1 Demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully with and about people of all sexual orientations Partially Teen Sexual Health I Students explore the use of a gay slur is used and demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully
SO.5.CC.1* Define sexual orientation Fully Teen Sexual Health I
SO.5.CC.2* Differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity Fully Teen Sexual Health I Sexual orientation and gender identity are defined and the difference is identified

*Content is included in this program but is part of the 3rd-5th Grade Band.

Sexual Health
SH.8.CC.1 Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Scientific definitions are provided to students
SH.8.CC.1 Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Scientific definitions are provided to students
SH.8.CC.2 Explain there are many methods of short- and long-term contraception that are safe and effective and describe how to access them Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Forms of contraception are explained
SH.8.CC.3 List at least four methods of contraception that are available without a prescription (e.g., abstinence, condoms, emergency contraception, withdrawal) Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Abstinence, withdrawl, condoms and dental dams are presented
SH.8.CC.5 Explain STDs (including HIV), how common STDs are, and how they are and are not transmitted Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II
SH.8.CC.6 Describe the signs, symptoms, or lack thereof, and potential impacts of STDs (including HIV) Fully Teen Sexual Health I
SH.8.CC.7 Compare and contrast behaviors, including abstinence, to determine the potential risk of pregnancy and/or STD (including HIV) transmission Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Abstinence is presented as the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Forms of contraception are presented as ways to reduce the risk
SH.8.CC.8 Discuss current biomedical approaches to prevent STDs (e.g., hepatitis B vaccine, HPV vaccine) and HIV (e.g., PrEP, PEP) Partially Teen Sexual Health I The HPV vaccine is addressed
SH.8.CC.9 Explain medical breakthroughs in HIV prevention and treatment and why HIV can now be considered a chronic condition Fully Teen Sexual Health I Students learns that HIV can now be managed effectively through medications
SH.8.INF.2 Describe the state and federal laws related to age of consent, minors’ ability to consent to health care, confidentiality in a healthcare setting, child pornography, sexting, safe haven, and sex trafficking Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Minors ability to consent to health care, confidentiality in a health care, safe haven (optional post program activity)
SH.8.IC.1 Demonstrate ways to communicate decisions about whether or when to engage in sexual behaviors and how to reduce or eliminate risk for pregnancy and/or STDs (including HIV)* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students learn that abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and learn contraceptive measures for reducing the risk. In TSH II students learn questions that they need to ask themselves and partner before accepting the responsibility of becoming sexually active
SH.8.GS.1 Develop a plan to eliminate or reduce risk of unintended pregnancy and STDs (including HIV) Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students develop an understanding, if not a specific plan


Teen Sexual Health II

Consent & Healthy Relationships
CHR.8.CC.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Through scenarios students will explore healthy and unhealthy relationships
CHR.8.CC.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Through scenarios students will explore healthy and unhealthy relationships
CHR.8.CC.2 Describe how power differences, such as age, gender, socio-economic status, immigration status, race, or unequal position (e.g. student/teacher, supervisor/employee) may impact relationships Partially Teen Sexual Health II Students learn how an unequal balance of power can impact relationships
CHR.8.CC.3 Analyze the similarities and differences between friendships, romantic relationships and sexual relationships Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II It is more implied through the program storylines, rather than explicitly taught and analyzed
CHR.8.CC.4 Define sexual consent and sexual agency Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Consent is defined and explored in all programs
CHR.8.INF.2 Evaluate the impact of technology (e.g., use of smart phones, GPS tracking) and social media on relationships (e.g., consent, communication) Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about on-line safety, setting boundaries on-line, strategies for healthy communication and consent
CHR.8.INF.3 Identify factors (e.g., body image, self-esteem, alcohol and other substances) that can affect the ability to give or perceive consent to sexual activity* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II
CHR.8.IC.1 Demonstrate communication skills that will support healthy relationships Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students define passive, aggressive and assertive communication. Students identify possible conversation starters
CHR.8.IC.2 Demonstrate strategies to communicate personal boundaries and how to show respect for the boundaries of others Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students define boundaries and strategies for maintaining them
CHR.8.SM.1 Describe strategies a student might use to end an unhealthy relationship, including involving a trusted adult who can help* Fully Teen Sexual Health II Through scenarios, students will look at characteristics of an unhealthy relationship and identity strategies for ending it
CHR.8.SM.2 Demonstrate strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully Fully Puberty II, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Social media scenarios are used throughout these programs


Anatomy & Physiology
AP.8.CC.1 Describe human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are naturally occurring variations in human bodies (e.g., intersex, vulvas, circumcised and intact penises) Fully Puberty II, Human Reproduction & Embryology, Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II All programs contain this content


Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
PD.8.AI.1 Define medical accuracy and analyze medically accurate sources of information about puberty, adolescent development, and sexual health Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students receive access to an on-line booklet of information and identify sources of medically accurate information


Sexual Health
SH.8.CC.1 Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Scientific definitions are provided to students
SH.8.CC.2 Explain there are many methods of short- and long-term contraception that are safe and effective and describe how to access them Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Forms of contraception are explained
SH.8.CC.3 List at least four methods of contraception that are available without a prescription (e.g., abstinence, condoms, emergency contraception, withdrawal) Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Abstinence, withdrawl, condoms and dental dams are presented
SH.8.CC.5 Explain STDs (including HIV), how common STDs are, and how they are and are not transmitted Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II
SH.8.CC.7 Compare and contrast behaviors, including abstinence, to determine the potential risk of pregnancy and/or STD (including HIV) transmission Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Abstinence is presented as the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and STDs. Forms of contraception are presented as ways to reduce the risk
SH.8.CC.10 Describe the state and federal laws related to minors’ access to sexual healthcare services, including pregnancy and STD/HIV prevention, testing, care, and treatment Partially Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about access to health care and pregnancy and STI testing
SH.8.CC.12 Explain the impact that media, including sexually explicit media, can have on one’s body image and self-esteem Fully Teen Sexual Health II Students learn about the potential influence of media, including sexually explicit media
SH.8.INF.1 Analyze how alcohol and other substances can influence sexual decision-making Fully Teen Sexual Health II Through a scenario, students analyze how alcohol and marijuana can influence sexual decision-making
SH.8.INF.2 Describe the state and federal laws related to age of consent, minors’ ability to consent to health care, confidentiality in a healthcare setting, child pornography, sexting, safe haven, and sex trafficking Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Minors ability to consent to health care, confidentiality in a health care, safe haven (optional post program activity)
SH.8.AI.1 Identify medically accurate sources of information about STDs, including HIV, such as local STD/HIV prevention, testing, and treatment resources Partially Teen Sexual Health II Students will learn what STD testing entails
SH.8.IC.1 Demonstrate ways to communicate decisions about whether or when to engage in sexual behaviors and how to reduce or eliminate risk for pregnancy and/or STDs (including HIV)* Fully Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students learn that abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and learn contraceptive measures for reducing the risk. In TSH II students learn questions that they need to ask themselves and partner before accepting the responsibility of becoming sexually active
SH.8.DM.1 Identify factors that are important in deciding whether and when to engage in sexual behaviors Fully Teen Sexual Health II In TSH II students learn questions that they need to ask themselves and partner before accepting the responsibility of becoming sexually active
SH.8.GS.1 Develop a plan to eliminate or reduce risk of unintended pregnancy and STDs (including HIV) Partially Teen Sexual Health I, Teen Sexual Health II Students develop an understanding, if not a specific plan
SH.8.SM.1 Describe the steps to using barrier methods correctly (e.g., external and internal condoms, dental dams) Partially Teen Sexual Health II Optional activity available with TSH II

