Teen Sexual Health Parent Information
To answer your questions about our Teen Sexual Health Program, we have a number of resources below.
Watch the FAQ Video
This short video which may answer some of your questions about what your student will be learning in Teen Sexual Health:
Looking for More Information
Detailed Program Description-Puberty I
Detailed Program Description-Puberty II
Frequently Asked Questions
Get the printable version of the FAQs
What is covered in this program?
In Teen Sexual Health, educators cover anatomy, forms of sexual contact, consent, pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI). In the pregnancy section, educators will talk through how a sperm cell meets an egg which causes a pregnancy. Educators will talk about the most common STIs, give examples of how an STI can be transmitted, and identify which STIs are viral and which are bacterial.
Will intercourse be a part of this program?
Yes, intercourse is a part of this program. Educators do define five different types of sexual contact including: penile, vaginal, oral, anal and skin to skin.
Is going over all these forms of sexual intercourse a bit much for 7th /8th grade students?
According to national and state health education standards, it is recommended for students of 7th/8th graders to be receiving this information. This information is recommended before they become sexually active in order to best prevent any misconceptions. Links to all class standards and objectives can be found on the Program Descriptions: Teen Sexual Health I – Teen Sexual Health II.
Are gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth and sexual orientation addressed in this program?
Yes, these terms are defined.
What images will my student be seeing?
Your student will be seeing only drawings in Teen Sexual Health I. When the educator talks about the body, they will be using anatomical drawings of the human body called hemi-sections.
How or is birth control discussed?
In the program, Teen Sexual Health, educators do discuss birth control
(the pill and condoms). Educators explain that condoms are a barrier method and help reduce risk of pregnancy and STIs and the pill delays the release of the egg and only helps reduce the risk of a pregnancy but not STIs. Educators do stress that the best way to best prevent pregnancy and STIs is to not to have any type of sexual contact at all.
Is consent addressed in this program?
Yes, consent is addressed in this program. Educators do cover what consent does look like and what it doesn’t look like. Educators often will run through different scenarios like: What if a person’s clothes are off? What if a person said yes and then once the act started the person said no?
Will students be separated by gender for the program?
This program is recommended to be taught with all student’s together.
Why not go further into explanation on ways to protect oneself (other than condoms)?
According to health education standards, the methods we must talk about are abstinence and condoms. Although in Teen Sexual Health, educators do talk a little bit about the pill or the hormonal method. The other methods, for example the birth control shot or the implant (IUD), need to be discussed with a doctor as there are some risks depending on the person. Educators, if asked, will expand on other methods. Some may be concerned that talking more about various methods will encourage students to become sexually active, but that has not been proven to be true.
What are some of the common questions asked by students?
Can anal sex cause a pregnancy? What should I know about condoms, is two [condoms] better than one? What about someone who is transgender, can they get pregnant? How can someone get tested? What about masturbation, why do people masturbate? Can you get an STI from masturbating?
Do you discuss moral issues?
Our educators discuss scientific facts and use medical terminology. Educators do not discuss moral issues. Educators leave that for a trusted adult at home. Students may have questions after the program: try your best, collect your thoughts before you answer, use medical terminology and embrace the discomfort. For additional resources on how to talk to your child, visit our communication resources.
Is it possible for a Parent to see the program?
A recorded parent program overview is included. Please contact your school administrator for the link to this recorded webinar, which reviews the content that is included in the school program.