
CBD on the Rise

Written by: Liz Carter-Health Educator, Candor Health Education The cannabis plant has different strains and classifications but ones we most commonly see and hear about are hemp and marijuana. In hemp, the most prominent compound is known as CBD (cannabidiol). In marijuana, the most prominent compound is known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), but marijuana does also […]

Different Viewpoints: When “Yes Means Yes”

RCC’s Different Viewpoints is a series of short articles from different age groups and their perspective on health education as they see it. When “Yes Means Yes” In high school, you don’t often think about the consequences of spreading gossip. It’s just something that you do. Sometimes it’ll be a random rumor about who’s dating who, or […]

Teen Pregnancy Rate-Increasing or Decreasing?

Written by: Olivia Starr-Health Educator, Candor Health Education As an educator for Candor Health Education, I spend a considerable amount of time in front of 8th graders discussing pregnancy prevention. A few weeks ago, I became curious about the students’ perceptions of teen pregnancy trends. I posed a question to one of the groups I […]

Relationship Education: Necessary in a Murky World

Written by: Edith Lule-Education Manager, Candor Health Education February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. According to, one in three high school students will experience physical or sexual violence, or both, by someone they are dating. It’s hard to imagine that this could be the reality for some teenagers, but statistics like […]

Make Holiday Joy for Your World

Written by: Betty Barsley-Marra-Health Educator, Candor Health Education It’s mid-December and we’re fighting our way through the first snowstorm traffic jam of the season. We turn on the car radio to the sounds of holiday music. The song playing is telling us, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” We can’t help but ask […]