As a student at Woodridge School in Woodridge, Illinois, I had my first exposure to the Robert Crown Center for Health Education. I vividly remember the carpeted stairs in the classrooms at the old center at 21 Salt Creek Lane in Hinsdale. I also remember participating in the sex education programs that followed the “Linda” […]
14 Years at Candor: CEO, Barb Thayer’s Story
When I joined the Robert Crown Center for Health Education as a consultant in 2011, I could never have anticipated the remarkable journey my career would take over the next 14 years. Progressing through various roles—from Special Events Coordinator to Development Associate, Director of Operations, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director, and finally, CEO—I’ve worn many […]
Noxious Nos: Trending Recreational Use of Nitrous Oxide By Young People
The “whippets” of 90s party culture are making a comeback and today’s young people’s exposure is being driven by social media. Slang terms for nitrous oxide such as “noxious nos,” “nangs,” “whippits,” “fishing out,” “buzz bombs” refer to either the mode of usage or the neurological symptoms it causes (6). The manufacturing and marketing of […]
Creating Media Literate Teens
In today’s world, teens and pre-teens need to be “smart” consumers of media messages and this calls for the support of their teachers, parents, and other trusted adults to help them make sense of what they are hearing and seeing. Media influence on young people may be direct and deliberate such as advertisements that want […]
Zyn Is In: What This Means for Young People
The tobacco industry has a new way to target and influence young people to use their products, in the form of oral nicotine pouches with one of the most popular brands being used called Zyn. Because these pouches do not contain any actual tobacco leaf, the FDA does not classify or regulate them as smokeless […]