Healthy Habits for Healthy Brains

Healthy Habits for Healthy Brains

Habits can make or break us. Cambridge Dictionary defines a habit as “something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it.”[1] Good habits set us down the path of success in all parts of life, while bad habits can take years...

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Vaping Regulation: Good Start, but is it Enough?

Vaping Regulation: Good Start, but is it Enough?

Recently, the FDA has banned the JUUL device and four types of JUUL pods. What is the impact for young people and vaping? It’s a start but unfortunately more needs to be done. Vaping for teens exploded in popularity in 2011 with JUUL quickly becoming one of the most...

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The “Upstream” Approach & Primary Prevention

The “Upstream” Approach & Primary Prevention

Providing young people with appropriate information and education sooner rather than later may not save the world, but it could help us get pretty darn close! My sister is a Public Health major and I remember the first time she explained the difference between...

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Increased Physical Inactivity Amongst Young People

Increased Physical Inactivity Amongst Young People

As summer approaches, the time to be active is upon us. The last few years, getting out and being active has been extremely difficult due to COVID 19 and the closure of places like sports facilities and gyms. A survey of 14 countries affected by COVID-19 showed that...

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Before You Say It, Don’t

Before You Say It, Don’t

“I would never wear that outfit, but you look so good!” “Oh you’re going to McDonald’s? I stopped eating fast food. You know your metabolism will slow down eventually, right?” “You know boys won’t like you if you act to desperate. You should play hard to get.” “Stop...

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Donate to End Period Poverty

Donate to End Period Poverty

The cost of menstrual products (estimated $250-300/year for the average woman) is probably not on your mind today, but it is on the heart of the staff at Candor Health Education in Hinsdale. Recent research found that almost two-thirds of low income women in the U.S....

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The Puberty Talk, the Sex Talk, and Timing

The Puberty Talk, the Sex Talk, and Timing

I was a weird kid. Not like, put spaghetti on my head during dinner just to get a laugh weird; more like asking my mom random questions that she didn't see coming weird. Take for example, the time I asked her what semen was. My poor parents. Cornered by a child who...

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Just Because They Can Doesn’t Mean They Do

Just Because They Can Doesn’t Mean They Do

Understanding of adolescent decision making has moved beyond simple “age differences in risk perception and reasoning” to include relevant social and emotional factors that directly inform when and how adolescents make decisions about everything from substance use to...

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Explaining Comprehensive Sex Ed

Explaining Comprehensive Sex Ed

NOTE: We continue to provide science-based health education -- see where our programs align to the National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES): SEE THE STANDARD ALIGNMENT CHARTS   In Illinois, the Keeping Youth Safe and Healthy Act (Senate Bill 818) was enacted...

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Considerations When “Sharenting” on Social Media

Considerations When “Sharenting” on Social Media

Several of Candor Health Education’s programs are guided by learning objectives aimed at educating students on how to be safe and responsible citizens when using online social media platforms. Students are reminded that photos, videos, and other content posted online...

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