sexting DH Jan

Importance of Sex/Drug Ed During Unprecedented Times

There are five main sources where students may learn about sexual health and drugs: school, friends, family, media, and their environment. Many schools offer programs focusing on these important topics, allowing students to have access to information from reliable sources. Recently, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, more students have been learning through online classes and […]


Adapting to a New Normal

As we approach the new school year, more and more schools are moving online to protect the health of students and staff. This can be a tough transition for both students and parents, as this is a social issue we have never previously encountered on this scale. As a current college student, the past 4 […]

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Talking To Our Teens About Drugs

As a Health Educator, the most common question I am asked by adults is “how do I talk to my teenager about drugs?”. Some of the most important work around these conversations is properly preparing ourselves to have them.  There are all types of different drugs in this world and doing research on them all […]

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Breaking the Stigma

In the public health/health education community, teen pregnancy and teen parenthood has long been an important topic to address. We are proud of the statistics on the efficacy of comprehensive sex education and long acting reversible contraception in addition to teens utilizing over the counter emergency contraception to reduce teen pregnancy rates. Thankfully teen pregnancy […]

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The Talk

As a Candor Health Educator, we have been asked some interesting questions when we’re delivering a program to the 4th-8th graders. Everything from “Why do we grow hair down there?” to “Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?”. These tough questions many times are the reasons that parents shy away from “the talk”. They just don’t have […]

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The Power of Positive Self Talk

During puberty programs, Candor Health Educators commonly break the ice with students by asking “Can anyone identify any puberty survivors in this room today?” After some giggles and a quick scan of the room, most students start to count the adults present and eagerly raise their hands to be the one chosen to give their […]

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Allowing Others to Live Their Truth

National Women’s History Month is celebrated throughout March, but when thinking about the achievements and struggles of women, transwomen are often excluded from this conversation. The definition of transgender may vary, but it is generally used to refer to a person who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. It may […]

2-Alex Story SMCS

Start with a Story

Esmerelda, a young woman with curly hair and glasses can not take the fighting between her parents any longer.  In an attempt to calm her anxiety and escape the tension in her home, she sneaks some of her dad’s opioid pain relievers and discovers….. Floyd has never tried marijuana, but when he goes to study […]