Support the REACH Act

Support the REACH Act

Recently I was with my sister and her two young grandsons.  Peggy needed to use the restroom and the boys joined her.  Two-year-old Jack said, “You don’t have a penis, right Grandma?” To which my sister replied, ”No, I don’t.“ Then Jack said, “You have a vulva because...
Pandemic Has Created Greater Need for Sex Ed

Pandemic Has Created Greater Need for Sex Ed

According to a 2020 study, half of 11- to- 13 year-olds reported having seen pornography in some way. Of the children who admitted intentionally searching for pornography, nearly two-thirds of them said they had done so for one or more of the following reasons: 1)...
Consent Lays the Foundation

Consent Lays the Foundation

Sexual health education is typically thought of as a class taught in middle school or high school with information on preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, the reality is that it’s so much more. One area that has recently...
The Keys to Ending “Period Poverty”

The Keys to Ending “Period Poverty”

According to The World Bank, on any given day nearly 800 million people are menstruating, yet many people lack the necessary sanitation products needed to manage their periods.  This lack of supplies is known as “period poverty” and affects millions of people in the...