Lesser-Known Facts about Sex Education

Lesser-Known Facts about Sex Education

Learning about our bodies and how they work is important. Learning how to take care of our bodies is no less important. Whether it is staying active, watching what we eat, cleaning our teeth, finding a way to destress, or any other important health routine, we learn...

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What Are We Teaching Young People About Alcohol?

What Are We Teaching Young People About Alcohol?

Young people are inundated with messages about alcohol.  Research says that annually young people are exposed to over 1,000 advertisements for alcohol, not including references to alcohol in the songs they are listening to, or alcohol-related content in the shows they...

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Helping Your Kids Manage Stress

Helping Your Kids Manage Stress

Stress is the body’s response to the challenges around us.  While some stress can be beneficial, long-term stress can cause many problems and have significant short- and long-term consequences on physical and emotional health. For adolescents, the physical response to...

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Healthy Does Not Hurt: Teen Dating Violence and Prevention

Healthy Does Not Hurt: Teen Dating Violence and Prevention

Teen dating violence (TDV) is defined as “a pattern of abuse or threat of abuse against teenage partners.” Teen dating violence occurs with sobering prevalence, effecting 1.5 million high school students each year. Female and LGBTQ+ students are more likely to...

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Reflecting on the Past Year

Reflecting on the Past Year

We’re a few weeks out from the new year, and with a new year typically comes a chance to reflect – as individuals and as an organization. While every year comes with its challenges, 2022 has also left Candor Health Education with a lot to be proud of (as you’ll read...

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Part 2: What to Know If You’ve Been Ghosted

Part 2: What to Know If You’ve Been Ghosted

Ghosting, completely cutting off contact with someone without any warning or explanation, may seem to be the modern way people leave relationships these days but ghosting has always been around. What may be different now is that everyone seems to be doing it often...

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What To Know Before You Ghost

What To Know Before You Ghost

The title of this article might prompt the reader to think it would have been more appropriate for the Halloween season but the timing of it is actually more apt in this current season of good will toward all and making resolutions for the better. The topic is humans...

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Informed Decisions

Informed Decisions

As both a Health Educator and a parent of school aged children myself, I often find myself getting questions or in conversation with friends, family and fellow parents about what we teach, how we answer certain questions, why we talk about certain topics in our...

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No Still Means No

No Still Means No

The argument for going beyond this phrase to teach consent as a life skill to empower and protect our kids I wish teaching our children consent were in fact as simple as teaching them to freely say ‘No’ while also teaching them to respect someone saying ‘No’ to them....

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September is Sexual Health Awareness Month

September is Sexual Health Awareness Month

September is our favorite month here at Candor. It’s the month school begins, and our programs start back up; it’s the month of our annual fundraiser; and most importantly, it’s Sexual Health Awareness Month – our specialty!   For nearly 50 years, we have been...

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