Written by: Lance Williams – Education Manager, Candor Health Education As the weather begins to shift and days become longer, students are gearing up for the end of the school year and the start of summer. As a student, one thing I always looked forward to around...
Different Viewpoints: When “Yes Means Yes”
RCC’s Different Viewpoints is a series of short articles from different age groups and their perspective on health education as they see it. When "Yes Means Yes" In high school, you don’t often think about the consequences of spreading gossip. It’s just something that...
Different Viewpoints: Conforming to Social Media’s False Reality
RCC’s Different Viewpoints is a series of short articles from different age groups and their perspective on health education as they see it. Conforming to Social Media’s False Reality In the short 5 minute passing period between classes I can take one glance up and...
Teen Pregnancy Rate-Increasing or Decreasing?
Written by: Olivia Starr-Health Educator, Candor Health Education As an educator for Candor Health Education, I spend a considerable amount of time in front of 8th graders discussing pregnancy prevention. A few weeks ago, I became curious about the students’...
Relationship Education: Necessary in a Murky World
Written by: Edith Lule-Education Manager, Candor Health Education February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. According to BreaktheCycle.org, one in three high school students will experience physical or sexual violence, or both, by someone they...
Different Viewpoints: Vaping-The 21st Century’s Smoking
RCC’s Different Viewpoints is a series of short articles from different age groups and their perspective on health education as they see it. Vaping-The 21st Century's Smoking by Payton Stifflear There are only a few things I can still remember from my elementary...
Cigarette Use has Decreased so Nicotine Isn’t a Problem, Right?
Written by: Barb Thayer – Executive Director, Candor Health Education Nicotine = cigarettes, right? And nicotine use is down in teens since cigarette smoking is down in teens, right? Well…yes and no, it’s complicated these days. Nicotine is not just found in...
Make Holiday Joy for Your World
Written by: Betty Barsley-Marra-Health Educator, Candor Health Education It’s mid-December and we’re fighting our way through the first snowstorm traffic jam of the season. We turn on the car radio to the sounds of holiday music. The song playing is telling us, “It’s...
A Record the U.S. Would Rather NOT Break by Rose Tenuta, M.S. Ed., Ed.S.
As 2018 draws to a close, it is predicted to be another record-breaking year. Unfortunately, this is not a record the United States wants to break: Sexually transmitted infections are again at an all-time high for the fourth year in a row. While sexually...
Teach Mental Health Now for Skills Later by Liz Carter
In a recent article from NBC News, Sarah DiGiulo talks about how a new law in the state of New York is requiring mental health to be taught in health education classes. While there are currently some schools that have already been teaching about mental health, it...